JangleBox LLC manufactures handmade guitar pedal effects. We make only a few pedals, and the pedals we make are acclaimed as exceptional. Our products are based on a foundation of innovative sound, simplicity, and quality build. JangleBox pedals are used by world-renowned recording artists and inspired amateur guitarists alike. As guitar legend Roger McGuinn has said about the original JangleBox, “These are the pedals that everyone has been looking for.”

So whether your next gig is at Carnegie Hall, a local bar, or the family music room, please enjoy exploring our website and learning about our products.

This is the Acousticomp™, a new and different JangleBox compressor designed for acoustic guitar players who want nuanced compression and tone control while enhancing the natural sustain, resonance, and aural contours of their treasured instrument.

JangleBox JBX
JangleBox Byrds 50th LE

Dial-in that

terrific sound


JangleBox compressor
JangleBox JB Nano


of power

in a small


JangleBox JB3
JangleBox J-Boost






JangleBox Compressor

Will Work

Best for Me?

How Does Compression Sound with Acoustic Guitars?

JangleBox profiled in November 2019 issue of Vintage Guitar magazine. Tap on image to view article.

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